Process gas compression

Your gas - our solution

Oil-free process gas compression in use

Each process gas has different requirements for the type of compression. Thanks to years of experience in the field of process gas compression, our gas compressors can be optimally tailored to the specific tasks. 

Your benefits

We demonstrate our expertise particularly in the compression of toxic and flammable gases. The ultimate goal is the optimal selection of the compressor and the relevant system components for your process.

Oil-free hydrogen compressors


High pressure display 220 bar

Final pressures up to 220 bar

Plant and process safety

Plant and process safety

Customized compressor solution

Customized solution

Process monitoring

Process monitoring

Low maintenance

Low maintenance

Selected solutions

perfectly adapted for your application


Our oil-free Mehrer Piston and diaphragm compressors are used worldwide. They are the heart of every process and significantly determine the manufacturing process. Our piston compressors are ideal for compressing process gases. Our diaphragm compressors are used for particularly high final pressures.

Reciprocating compressors

Reciprocating compressors


diaphragm compressors

diaphragm compressors


Which compressor suits me?

Put together an optimal compressor for your process from our modular product portfolio. By combining basic types with suitable system components, you receive complete compressor units and systems from a single source.

Any questions?

Contact us now!

Whether a non-binding product inquiry or a specific service offer, we will be happy to help you!

Mehrer Compression GmbH
Rosenfelder Straße 35
72336 Balingen , Germany

 +49 7433 2605-0

Contact Us

 +49 7433 2605-0

Mehrer Compression GmbH
Rosenfelder Strasse 35
72336 Balingen, Germany
